Agol Present
Project MAX

Maccabi World Union COLLECTION
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about Project max
Maccabi World Union and Sighteer are collaborating to launch a global awareness project to promote the inspiring story of Jewish sport on social media and the metaverse. Named after Max Nordau, Project Max will leverage Sighteer’s artificial intelligence platform to share the story of Jewish sport with global audiences and engage younger generations around the shared values of sports.

our commitment to you
By purchasing the NFT, you are contributing to the Maccabiah Games and to the heritage of Jewish sports.
We are committed to supply you, upon purchase, with an NFT that represents the history of the games and is chosen from the collection of photos here
Future membership benefits will be rolled out as the community grows.

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Rescue – call for help from Hakoah Vienna athletes to rescue those left in Austria and Germany (1939)
Hakoah Vienna was the largest and best-known Jewish all-round

Bar Kochba Bratislava Swimming Team – 3 time Slovakia Champions (1936)
In 1929 a group of swimmers led by their

2nd Maccabiah Poster (1935)
The 2nd Maccabiah poster that was designed by Franz